Wednesday, Nov. 4th……Less than 3 weeks to my first Ironman and I was literally a complete mess today. I had a great morning teaching 2 awesome classes - cycle and strength and then I planned on doing just a short run…. I didn’t feel like it….really my body didn’t feel like it. So, I had my hair cut and styled instead. :) When I got home I felt insanely guilty. I felt like I had let myself down…..which is just silly b/c I’ve worked my bootie off all summer. I talked with a couple friends (both of which have done several Ironmans) and they both said to listen to my body and take a break. It’s always hard for me to take a break…….. I think at times I definitely over-trained and right now I am exhausted! My body has had enough and is telling me to cut it out! So, I will listen! The last thing I want to do is sacrifice all the time and energy I have put into training and racing to have my body quit on me now! Allowing my body to absorb everything I have done leading up to this point is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing (I think)!

  I picked up the kids from school today and really just cherished my time with them. Watching them laugh, play and just have such a carefree attitude helped calm my nerves. It’s an awesome thing to be able to see your own children happy and enjoying life together. Maybe one day they will realize how hard mommy has worked for this goal and how blessed I feel to be able to do what I do! They’re still just too little to get it. 

  I subbed out my class tomorrow so I could get in a long swim.  Dave and I are swimming 2 miles at Barton Springs (which should be refreshing and feel good to my muscles) and maybe get in a light run. I teach a strength class later on today and will probably focus more on upper body work during the class……and hopefully it will give my legs a little more recovery time. 

  What I’m going through is normal I’m assuming…..I’m anxious, nervous, tired, and excited all at the same time and not sure where to go with all these emotions!

19 days to go!!