Saturday, November 14, 2009

Long training rides gone bad summer '09 :)

So, it turned out to be an awesome summer with all my training, kids out of school, no traveling (it was actually kinda nice staying home), and just teaching and working out! I have spent more hours in the sun (not such a good thing) than I probably did when I was a teenager lifeguarding. It was soooo hot this summer that I took the kids swimming as much as I possibly could. The heat didn’t phase them one bit……they were just happy to be in the pool (they’re both little fish)!

I spent a lot of time training outside in the hot sun for long rides and runs, track workouts, and training in the pool. One week I counted up my miles that I had put in and it was over 200 miles running, swimmin, and biking…….in one week!

Sun burn city:  I learned my lesson on one of our long rides this summer…….my longest ride so far was around 65 miles…..knowing that I had an Ironman at the end of the year it was time to increase that distance a bit. Dave and I set out for our long ride in North Austin on Parmer Lane…..he asked me about 3 or 4 miles in if I had any more sunblock……I said, “No, do you need some?” He said, “No but your back does.” Ouchy…..just this one little strip of skin got fried where my tri shorts and top didn’t meet… idea it was visible to the sun until I got in that aero position. :( It hurt! My 4 year old daughter saw my “boo boo” and was very concerened and told me to never do it again. :)

We did 80+ miles that day. I remember feeling a little light headed about mile 60 or so…..I ate a little bit and drank some pure sport and started to feel better. After we did more long rides I realized I wasn’t eating enough on the days leading up to those longer rides so I increased my protein / carb intake and felt better from there on out. I ran out of fluids on just about every long ride we went on and had to stop for more……we did a ride out to Andice and I thought I was going to pass out on the bike b/c I had been without fluids and it was sooo hot. At one point Dave and I were both out of our fluids and miles away from the next gas station. We finally made out to Andice grocery store and those first few gulps of G2 never tasted so good!

Oh no tummy cramps:  Wow, I just remembered another long ride adventure! So, this was about middle of the summer…….Dave and I planned on getting in 80+ on this day and left from LifeTime heading towards Anderson Mill on 620. We stopped at a bike shop on 360 for something (probably b/c Dave had to pee)…..nahh I think I needed fluids……and the guy at the store gave me some E-load. BAD idea for me to put that E-load in my water.

Dang did I have some major stomach cramps…….note to self E-load makes me gassy!!! I felt like crap the entire ride from about mile 20ish to whenever we got home (I think we did close to 85 that day)……and my training partner heard about it the entire time!! Gotta love him.

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