Saturday, June 18, 2011

12 weeks til 70.3 World Championships - Woot!

84 days 2 hrs 37 mins 34 secs

1.2 mile swim / 56 mile bike / 13.1 mile run
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Sept. 11, 2011

I decided to keep a daily/weekly "journal" of my training schedule, thoughts, experiences, etc. throughout my journey to 70.3 World Championships.  Noone cares but me, but I kinda wanna get my thoughts down on "paper".   I've journaled all about my kiddos and thought it would be cool do it for myself for one of my awesomely fun journeys!  I used to write a lot when I was a little girl.  During one of my summers as a competitive gymnast I lived with a host family in Colorado Springs to train at the Olympic Training Center.  I recently read my journal from that experience.  It's such a trip to be able to read my thoughts and experiences from something I was so passionate about as a little girl.  I wrote down what I had accomplished for the day, graded myself on my performance, and talked a lot about my goals and how I was "feeling" and my coach's mood for each day.  I thought it would be fun to do it again.... just 20+ years later!   
So, here I go at age 36 journaling / blogging about this cool little experience.  There are just a few more variables added in this time balancing LIFE and all that comes with it.....a family, friends, big responsibilities, work, life challenges.......oh and my center of gravity has changed just a tad!  Hehe!  ;-)  I got my spot for World Championships at Longhorn 70.3 back in October 2010 so I feel like I've been waiting for forever to train for this race.  I finished in 5th place in my age division with a  time of 4:59:40.  My goals going into the race were: to have fun, go sub-5 and get a spot to World Championships.  Done and done!

Training here we go!

I got my schedule from Fish (aka Andrea Fisher) on Friday.  Getting my schedule from her every week is like Christmas to me.  Weird, I know!

Day 1 of training:
I had planned on doing an hour swim with Mal at the Quarry and a 30 mile base ride.  That didn't happen.  Oops!  Ireland woke up sick with a fever and itchy throat.  So, I got in an hour ride on the bike trainer.  Felt great.  I was a bit relieved not to be outside since we've consistently had 100+ degree temps and it's only mid-June.  :( 
I got to be in the a/c, listen to my music and just focus on me.  Plus, Tony and I recently had a discussion about me riding outside and the dangers of being on the road.  He's not a big fan of me riding outside.  Honestly, it scares the shit out of me.  I usually only ride outside when absolutely necessary now (long rides).  I spend most of my cycle training time by teaching my cycle / spinning classes and on the bike trainer.  It seems to be working so far!  I'll probably spend more time on the trainer than I did training for Ironman Texas since my long rides won't be any more than 4 hours (yay!). 

Day 2 of training:
Saturday morning run.  Super duper excited to see running back on my training schedule.  It's been a really long road healing up this stress fracture.  After Ironman Texas I took 3 weeks off from any sort of training schedule.  I've only been on my bike once, pool a few times, and didn't attempt to run at all.  I didn't have any other acute issues / injuries after the race so I was feeling pretty good.  I just needed some downtime.  I also wanted to allow my stress fracture to heal up for good and I feel like I'm there.

Stepped out the front door to run and my first thought was, "Damn it's hot and humid, but this is gonna feel so good!"  I left at 8:45 a.m. and was back by 9:20 a.m.  I was only scheduled to do a 30 minute easy run.  That's exactly what I did.  Although, I looked down at my garmin at one point and was running sub 7's.  Slow your roll chica.  I've got some major base building to do with my running.  Slow and steady we go!  I felt fantastic when I got back b/c I got to RUN and actually got to sweat from a RUN!  Yahoooo!!  That's a good feeling.  Woot!
Sunday is Father's Day and it's also my day off.  Lake Travis here we come!

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