Friday, April 15, 2011


When will I be able to run???  This is really challenging me (mentally).  BIG time!!  I'm trying so hard not to throw myself a pitty party, but this really SUCKS!  I have a stress fracture on the iliac wing on the right side.  It happened on Feb. 12th.  I ran just over 13 miles and felt something about 9 miles in.  I just figured it was a little strain, tightness and it would work itself out.  I ran hard and I ran some good hills.  I was feeling super strong and just felt overall fantastic throughout the run other than that "tightness."  How and why did it happen?  Overuse, bad running habits, dehydrated, pushing too hard, all of the above.  :(

Thought maybe it was a bad strain, but as I would try to run (and I did run several different times and knew it didn't feel muscular anymore).......felt like it might be a stress fracture.  Many people told way....not a stress fracture right there.  5 1/2 weeks went by and I finally went in to see Dr. Welsh at SW Orhopedics and he confirmed with x-rays.....a stress fracture.  So, on March 23rd he said give it 4 more weeks.  I gave it 9 days (was feeling very good) and ran on it for 3 days (just a few miles at a time).  Don't do that!  When a doc gives you instructions, follow it.  Dammittt!  I feel like I'm starting all over again.  Praying and hoping that by the end of the month I'll be healed. 

I'm giving it until May 1st and then we will create the rest of my "running" plan for Ironman Texas.  Big picture here........I want to be healthy and strong for the rest of my race season and World Championships in Vegas in September.  If I get to run at Ironman Texas it might not be pretty, but I'll get it done.  It should be an interesting day on May 21st!! 

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