Saturday, January 1, 2011


Wow, it's already New Year's Day 2011!  Every Christmas holiday season seems to go by faster and faster for me.  I think it's because River and Ireland both have b-days within 13 days of each other with Christmas right in the middle.  It just makes it fly by! 

We had a great Thanksgiving (just our family of 4) and then tons of family fun as we hosted Christmas at our house!  The kiddos had a blast with everyone at the house especially since Cousin Sophie was around to open gifts with them.  The kiddos opened Santa gifts before everyone came over and then the mayhem began!

My brother told me the best Christmas gift for him would be for me, Tony, and my sister to go to Amsterdam to visit him in May.  Taylor and his wife have been in Europe for almost a year and will most likely only be there for another year and a half or so.  He works for Delta / KLM and would love to get us over there.  I am scheduled to do Ironman Texas on May 21, 2011.  We will be flying on buddy passes and he just sent me an email with the best May dates (11th - 17th).  Yikes!  So, tapering in Amsterdam?  Ummm, I don't think so!  I sure wish it was that easy!

I'm not sure why I am making this such a tough decision, but I am!  I have signed up for another Ironman Journey and really would like to follow through.  My goal for Ironman Texas will be to have fun and treat it like a training day in order to prepare myself for World Championships 70.3 in September!  We will see!

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