Saturday, April 3, 2010


December 2009 - February 2010

It's been fun having some time off from always training and having to swim, bike or run!  I have enjoyed some downtime (so-to-speak) and have spent time doing my own thing which includes lifting weights, taking different classes, and enjoying time just chillin'! 

I didn't get in the pool for a good couple of months after Ironman.  It was too darn cold and I didn't want to "schedule" anything so I just kinda went with the flow.  I also stayed off the bike for a couple of months too which I probably really needed b/c I have been having some major issues with my left glute bothering me on rides.  I continued to run a little here and there b/c I knew I had some good races coming up after the first of the year!

BORN TO RUN 1K for River and Ireland (December 2009)
 Watching Ireland take 2nd place in one of the kids' races was a lot of fun.  She and River did the "Born to Run" 1K race.  She was in the 5 year old girls category (she was just shy of turning age 5).  I couldn't believe she ran the whole thing and as she came in she looked so strong.  She kept going straight for that finish line!  I held her hand the last 100 yards and let her cross the finish line by herself.  She was so stinkin' proud of herself it was precious.  It was a great confidence builder for her and she is wanting to do it again! 

River had the complete opposite experience.  He started off way too fast and lost all his steam.  I told him on the way to the race not to start off to fast. 

He said, "Mom if you keep telling me that I'm just going to stop and walk and take last place."  Well, he did exactly that!  He got discouraged when he started to loose steam and just walked with his head down and pouting all the way.  He didn't want to cross the finish line but I coached him to get there and do it anyway.  It was a tough day to cheer on my little girl and be so proud of her and then not let River know how disappointed I was that he quit.  I tried to encourage him that it's ok that's how we learn how to get better and stronger.  He didn't want to hear it and really was very stubborn about the whole situation.  I tried to get him to be happy for his sister but he was a poor sport and didn't want to have any part of that either.  It was a moment for him.  Overall it was a good experience and I think he will want to do it again!  We are working on helping him to realize that we exercise, race, play sports, and do things for our health and fun and not to win!'s tough for this 7 year old to grasp right now. 

My "Firsts"
I had a couple of "firsts" after my first Ironman.

20-miler (Jan. 10, 2010)
20-miler: I did a 20-miler in January.  It was 22 degrees when Dave and I started the race...we were layered in several layers of clothes, headbands, thick socks and gloves.  It was a nice easy run.  I tried to come up with movie quotes (I so suck at that) and we had our "top 10" which was fun, but I forgot some of those too.  So, next time I promised to write them down and bring it with me on the run.  20 miles really wasn't as tough as I expected it to be.  We finished in just under 3 hours which was our goal!  By the end of the race it was really nice out with the sun shining!  It was a good day!

3M half marathon (Jan. 24, 2010)
First stand alone half marathon (3M):  Ummmm.....that was one of the hardest runs I've ever done.  It was the windiest run and in fact they delayed the start time by over an hour so we got to stand at the starting line waiting and waiting.  It wasn't the best experience for sure.  I felt tired, fatigued, tight, and not happy to be out there overall.  The chronic glute issue came up and I did a lot of self-talk out there and tried to stay positive, but I just didn't feel like myself.  I still ran pretty darn hard, but I didn't finish where I wanted to.  I ended up with a 1:46.  I was hoping for 1:38ish or so.  Next time! 

Austin marathon (Feb. 21, 2010)
First stand alone marathon (Austin Marathon):  Awesome!  I got to start out with a few friends and enjoyed getting going with them.  My goal (at first) was to just run and finish it just below 4 hours.  When I started out with the group we were running 10 mins / mile pace.......once I got going and hit the 10K mark I decided I wanted to run faster.  I ran alone for most of the race from that point on.  It was a good training run and a great time to really just focus on me.  I felt pretty strong for most of the race.  My legs really starting getting tight around mile 16, but I felt like I could push through it.  I ran in memory of my cousin, Erik Rudy, who passed away from Leukemia in 2008 so it meant a lot for me to be out there and carry him with me.  I really teared up at mile 23 thinking about him.  I felt as if he was there for me every step of the way and I just felt so good to be out there at that point.  It was an incredible experience!  Can't wait to do the next one.  Oh, and I found out I was just under a minute from qualifying for Boston.  Darn it!  Oh well, I'll do it next go around! 

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