Saturday, March 26, 2011

"S" day!

It's an "S" day as my kids put it!  They love "S" days b/c they don't have school and we do fun stuff!  Saturday means soccer for the Ginkos.  Ireland had her first soccer game today and boy is she a little trooper.  Her team is co-ed and I have to say she is definitely one of the most aggressive kids on the team.  She just goes for it.  She had band-aids on her knees within just a few minutes of the game and just kept going!

It was nice to get up and enjoy the morning with the kids and Tony and not have to do any training first thing on a Saturday.  I will be heading to Saturday soccer games for a little while so training will have to happen later in the day for me.  Today, I am supposed to get in a 5 hour bike ride, but it will end up being a 3 hour trainer ride.

Before I hop on the trainer I get to do a little L'BRI work to get some more April bookings.  I was just telling Tony that while I was at Ireland's school for Kinder rodeo yesterday I got 5 orders on my website from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. yesterday.  I think that's pretty cool!  I have found one of the best kept secrets.  But, I'd like for other women to be aware of this opportunity and not keep it a secret b/c it's truly awesome !!  :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FUN - FIT + Healthy

I am stoked about commiting to blog on a regular basis.  I plan to do this at least once a week.  I've always wanted to combine blogging about my fitness journey as well as my skin care business and the awesome journey I'm on so here we go! 

A few of my goals for the next 2 weeks:

1. Rest and recover since I just had x-rays done on my hip.  Stress fx on the iliac wing (wth?) and doc said I have tendonitis of the glute medius / minimus.  So, I won't RUN for another 4 weeks.  By the time I'm all done with the achilles tendonitis and this little hiccup it will be about 6 months of not running.  That blows!  It is what it is and I will get through it. 

2. Continue building, growing, and booking parties for my L'BRI business.  It's an incredible time with the company and I'm having a blast building the Austin area and all around the country!  This is BIG!!!  Aloe-based, natural skin care and I live in one of the best cities in the world for it!!!  I LOVE what I do!!!

3. Keep a great balance b/w work, working out / training, kids, hubby, and keeping up with laundry!!  I think I've got it figured out (maybe)!  River and Ireland are doing soccer, basketball, swimming, football and in May start a running group.  Really?  What was I thinking?  As long as they're happy and having fun that's all that matters!