Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am in love with the Mel's Meals 3-week challenge!

Ok, so I'll admit I'm awful at being a consistent blogger.  I am all gung-ho about blogging when I first get going on my meal plan and then just completely drop the ball.  I know this time won't be any different (round 3 by the way), so I'm just going to tell you what I love about doing this program and how I'm feeling up to this point.  It's the 3rd time to take on this challenge and I LOVE it!  I have never done anything like this and I am totally hooked and addicted to Mel's meals.  I love the food, the plan, the people that started this amazing company and concept (Mel and Greg), my dietitian, and everything about it.  I don't care about eating out, stopping to get my daily smoothie, eating chocolate (ok maybe I still have a few cravings here and there), or putting anything other than clean food in my body right now!  I feel so healthy, strong, and motivated to eat a balanced and clean diet that's it's almost obsessive, I guess. But, that's me. When I find something I love and am passionate about I give it 110% and don't back down, period.

It might not be for everyone, but I have found it very useful and helpful for my busy life.  I have learned even more about nutrition, my body, and how I should be fueling my body.  I am much more aware of what foods my body can handle and manage and turn into fuel to keep me going all day long.  Working out and training is a part of my life so eating the right foods for me is a huge part of what helps me to stay balanced and happy!  I love to eat good food and know that what I'm putting in my body will make a profound effect on how well I can perform at everything I do!  I'm a vegetarian and finding food that will give me enough protein and fat to sustain such a busy active lifestyle is crucial for me.

Prior to starting the plan I was feeling run down probably more than I should have been on a weekly basis.  I know I was probably not as efficient and strong as I could have been  during my race season last year as well.  I am anxious to see how all of this eating, fueling, and maintaining my diet will translate to my race season!!  100 days until Ironman Texas so we will see!! 

Honestly, I feel freaking amazing and get to thank Mel's meals for helping to keep me on this awesome path of a healthy and fit lifestyle and eating the right foods, all the time!!!  I feel like I've always eaten "healthy", but I was eating too many carbs and "on-the-go" foods and not enough whole protein and fat in my diet.  I have been as tiny as a size 0 in college (way too skinny for my body) and everywhere in b/w up to a size 10 after kiddos.  I am comfortable where I am now and feel incredibly strong, healthy, and I'm probably the leanest I've been in a while.  My health and my family's health is a top priority in my life and I feel like the plan has also given me some great ideas for meals and dishes for my kiddos and hubby.  My children are very aware of how to make good choices when it comes to eating the right foods.  They'd probably rather have ice cream and cookies everyday, but they know why we don't and I think they're starting to grasp the concept (maybe)!

There are so many goals that the plan can help people with whether it's weight loss, getting lean / leaner, stronger, or just giving you a jumpstart to get back to eating the right foods for you, etc.  I think it's worth it to at least give it a try if it's something you've been on the fence about or been thinking about doing.......Mel's Meals is the way to go!